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Development: The development of Miami Gardens, and the communities within are very important to Angela Wynter. Issues such as traffic safety implementing speed bumps in residential areas and creating more community-based areas are her top concerns.


Education is a top issue across the nation and is a top priority for Angela Wynter.
She is proposing free technical classes in technology for not only the elderly but individuals that can use it to further themselves in life.


Economic growth is vital for a growing community. Angela Wynter wants to ensure that by providing better resources for local small business owners and allowing more businesses, such as family-friendly restaurants, to be built. Thus allowing more jobs and money to flow within our community.


Miami Gardens has a known crime rate of 34%. Wynter will fight for faster police
response times, better opportunities, and community aid that will lessen those numbers significantly.


The city of Miami Gardens is trying to place restrictions on how people live.
Recently, there have been issues regarding RVs and Trailers, such as regulations on how many RVs can be parked on a property and the enforcement of fines and permits..